Despite previously including a helmet toggle option in the first Mass Effect titleBioware for some reason removed this feature from Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect 2 is no exception and has a variety of mods available to liven it up a little, check out these top recommended mods. While fans wait in hope for a remaster, there are a few mods that can bring the older games into the modern-day by giving them a new lease of life. The original trilogy is still a masterpiece that is worth being played today. Updated August 25th, by Meg Pelliccio: With recent rumors that Bioware is remastering one of its games, many fans are hoping that the Mass Effect franchise is getting some love, especially after the abysmal low note that the franchise last ended on with the negatively-received Mass Effect: Andromeda. Here are the mods you need to make it so. It had nearly everything- a compelling story, dramatic world-building, stellar voice acting, and one of the most successful gameplay overhauls in the history of gaming.